seems fine for now, but will look for that more later today, thank you for fix! Ofc we will report things like that if something will slow down our works, we just use legacy dashboard to our day-to-day work because thought Portal-X it is still in tests phase and didn't want to slow down work. So for team when we manage our apps it was easier to switch to legacy one than fight with new one. Right now when we don't have any chance to use old system we have to stuck on new one and when we find something we will report it.
Thank you again for help!
In Europe, the problem occurs for few of our teammates. It could be connected to amount of global entities that we have in project
I think checking global entities is blocked from time to time, maybe there is subsequent queries that are started one after one that slow it down
If problem will still occurs for us in next days I will catch support on live chat to look in the problem. In legacy portal never noticed that one and even refreshing site with global entities list non stop it works fine, right now when I go to entities list, go somewhere else and go back to global entities list again it stucks on loading almost non stop
problem occurs with arund 300 entries in global entities so tbh it doesn't sounds like really big amount of them
Example of normal day routine from today
Well it is not something like haters talk, for sure it is always hard to jump to new app especially if whole team works on previous version of dashboard before. Even if Portal-X looks "better" and much modern it has more limitations and design problems than previous implementation. Have to look at portal-X more now and probably will find them more in next days, because previously solution was easy - log in account - switch to legacy dashboard - and work without wasting time. For now I can say there are few main design issues:
- portal-X require more clicks than previous version of dashboard to achieve same effect, e.g. editing entities require now unlock -> click to see short -> click to view content in fullscreen -> click to edit -> save, where in previous version you just have to unlock -> click -> save. First click on entity is useless, window in which it shows is too small to see anything so in 90% cases you will just jump to full screen mode
- it is slow
when looking at entities I have in few retries loading data shows for few seconds, previous portal seems to be faster
- editing entities not always works, sometimes when you paste entity content save button will be still disabled and you have to clean up whole content and paste it again
- looking at users requires now more clicks too, I don't have any idea who will need that quick summary after first click and why it won't go to user profile after first click
After all maybe after few weeks I'll get used to it (I have to) but anyway for me it seems to be much harder to achieve effect that could be achieved with smaller amount of steps in previous implementation. There are some pros like new diff looks in audit log - still probably could be nice to have there button revert for quick reverting changes but having an option to show previous entity in full version is in plus. I know that legacy portal won't be kept there forever because in that way you have to update 2 dashboards together which seems to be a waste of time, but anyway it is sad day for a lot of people who uses it before
Unfortunately with new update the best feature of Braincloud (Legacy Portal) is not available anymore
rest in peace my friend
brainCloud 5.4 is on it's way!
brainCloud 5.4 is on it's way!
brainCloud 5.4 is on it's way!
brainCloud 5.4 is on it's way!
brainCloud 5.4 is on it's way!