I'm able to get GlobalEntities using:
_bc.GlobalEntityService.ReadEntity(entityId, successCallback, failureCallback);
But only when using the "Entity ID" (ie long string of letters and numbers). When I use the "Entity Indexed ID" ("mainsettings" in this case), the response is:
{"packetId":1,"responses":[{"status_message":"Processing exception (message): Missing record - global entity not found","reason_code":40345,"status":202}]}
So, is the indexed ID not used for that? Is it only used for GetListByIndexedId? In that case I suppose it is not unique?
My overarching question is related to the responses retrieved using any of these sorts of methods.
How do I parse these json objects once I receive them? I've seen
using BrainCloud.JSONHelper;
using BrainCloud.JsonFx.Json;
And some other stuff like BCEntity.ReadFromJson and BCEntityFactory. Should I be able to have those responses be converted into classes and access any of the data like mainSettingsGlobalEntity.data, mainSettingsGlobalEntity.version, etc?