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    @Henry-Smith said in Recommended way to read Entity data? (Unity, C#):

    Sorry to bring back an old thread, but I'm just learning the platform and I thought I'd share my solution to this.

    First, define a generic class to handle the raw json response data:
    eg. my Tut1_AddTwoNumbers api returns:

    {"data":{"response":{"answer":24},"success":true},"status":200} public class Response<T> { public ResponseData<T> data; public int status; } public class ResponseData<T> { public T response; public bool success; }

    Then for each api call that you have, define a class that contains the fields that are custom to that response.

    public class Tut1_AddTwoNumbersResponse { public int answer; }

    Now, you call your function and handle the response like this:

    public void Tut1_AddTwoNumbers() { string scriptName = "Tut1_AddTwoNumbers"; // Anonymous object to supply the params. var data = new { num1 = 16, num2 = 8 }; var jsonScriptData = JsonWriter.Serialize(data); SuccessCallback successCallback = (response, userdata) => { var responseObject = JsonReader.Deserialize<Response<Tut1_AddTwoNumbersResponse>>(response); //var responseObject = JObject.Parse(response); Debug.Log($"Success The answer is '{responseObject.data.response.answer}' | raw_json={response}"); }; FailureCallback failureCallback = (status, code, error, userdata) => { Debug.Log(string.Format("Failed | {0} {1} {2}", status, code, error)); }; // Call the script _bc.ScriptService.RunScript(scriptName, jsonScriptData, successCallback, failureCallback); }

    this line is the important part:


    Hope that helps someone!

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    Edit . you can get all custom entities for the current user with the query

    { "entityType": "[entitytype]", "ownerId": "[profileId]", "context": { "pagination": { "rowsPerPage": 50, "pageNumber": 1 }, "searchCriteria": { // other search criteria here }, "sortCriteria": { "createdAt": 1 } } }
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    Thank you, fantastic. I appreciate all the information you have given.