Ciao @Paul-Winterhalder ,
yes there is not much else to add, except perhaps the fact that the CompleteMatch is sent at the end of the game. Instead, AbandonMatch is sent if one of the players abandons the game prematurely.
Thanks for the support!
Ciao @Paul-Winterhalder ,
yes there is not much else to add, except perhaps the fact that the CompleteMatch is sent at the end of the game. Instead, AbandonMatch is sent if one of the players abandons the game prematurely.
Thanks for the support!
Ciao @Paul-Winterhalder ,
Regarding your last doubt, I would like to be able to schedule DisableMatchmaking every X hours for all those users who are not online, but still have EnableMatchmaking active. Exactly what the "Disable matchmaking for players after XX days" option should do, but more frequently (4 times a day for example).
Thanks and I hope for some suggestions that will solve it
Your matchmaking system is fine for our needs, but in our game players need to be online to compete.
For now I solved it by using a web hook (post) on FindPlayers, which takes the list, uses the Presence API (GetPresenceOfUsers) to see if the users are online and returns only those.
It works well, but if FindPlayers had an option to exclude offline users it would probably be even better.
Imagine this use case:
Regarding arbitrary DisableMatchMaking, I would need to clean the list of offline users who for some reason remain with MatchMacking enabled. Imagine the case:
Is it possible to make FindPlayers return only online players? It would be very useful for me to have in the "matchesFound" list only the users who are online at that moment, and not those who are offline.
Also, is there a way via CloudCoude to disable matchmaking of one or more users passed as parameters? ie:
var postResult = matchMakingProxy.disableMatchmaking(["profile_id_1", "profile_id_2"]);
Ciao @Greg-Moulds,
you rock boy!
I tried reducing the "early" launch setting as you suggested and in fact now the waiting time is very short. That was exactly the problem.
Ciao @Greg-Moulds and @Paul-Winterhalder ,
a question about the relay server: a lot of time passes from the UpdateReady call of a lobby to the arrival of the ROOM_READY state, around 30 seconds on average. This should be the server instantiation time the first time. But if I have a "Keep idle server warm" set to 15 minutes, why if other players create other rooms, then they always have to wait 30 seconds or more? It seems like a new instance is created every time.
It's a really long time, if you consider that a match of our games lasts less than 2 minutes. Is there a way to avoid this wait, at least after the first time the server is instantiated?
These are our server settngs:
Ciao @Greg-Moulds,
yes, you are right... I had both "Disband on start" and "Allow join in progress". I removed "Allow join in progress" and now the re-connection works normally. I'll do some more testing, but this seems to have solved the problem!
I'll let you know if I discover anything else!
Thanks a lot!
However, reconnection doesn't work.
Yes, works well first time.
Hi @Greg-Moulds ,
ok, I've updated the custom environment of my server, and now? If I try to rejoin the room, I receive alway this error:
"status":403,"reason_code":90300,"status_message":"Server Closed Connection","severity":"ERROR"}.
I'm using:
RelayService.Connect(RelayConnectionType.TCP, connectionOptions, null, failureCallback);
What should I do?
Ciao @Paul-Winterhalder, @Greg-Moulds,
I have updated BC to 5.2, so I can implement the rejoin in the room. But it's not clear to me how to implement it. The only information I found is in the release notes where it only says this:
Reconnects - Relay Servers now better handling reconnect scenarios. There is also an option to allow reconnects even if the userβs session has changed ("ALLOW_REJOIN_BY_PROFILE_ID": "true").
How does it work?
Great! Happy to hear that!
Hi @Paul-Winterhalder, any chance to have new developments regarding reconnection in the room?
Thanks Paul, I really appreciate it.
Bear in mind that the player could also disconnect due to a crash or the mobile device being turned off, so the possibility of re-entering the room even after having performed a new authentication would be very very important.
Please let me know!
Hi Paul & Greg,
player B re-authenticates, so I assume that his "cx" changes. Is it possible to ensure that the player can re-enter the room even by re-authenticating? If you have a unique passcode, could you use that?
"Allow join in progress" is true
Regarding the number of rooms, so in practice you can have a maximum of 2500 simultaneous rooms (50 "Max servers" x 50 "Containers per Server"), right?
Thank you!
Hello Paul,
this is my scenario:
We are using Unity and the client version of BC is 5.0.0.
Another question: is one server instantiated per ROOM, or can a single server host multiple ROOMs?
Is there a way to reconnect a player to a Room, in a Relay Server, after being disconnected (ie: for network problem)? When I try to connect the player the second time, I always get this error:
{"status":403,"reason_code":90300,"status_message":"Relay: Disconnected by server","severity":"ERROR"}.
With the procedure described above and the modification you made for the publicSettings I think I have solved the problem of having to do polling. All I have to do is figure out how to clean the list of profileIds in the Global Entity in case of an unexpected crash.
Thanks guys for the support! If you have any other suggestions, they are welcome
Ciao Greg,
yes this thing would be great, it would be perfect for what I need!
I'm currently trying this solution, please tell me if you think there might be any problems:
The change you suggest would be an excellent further optimization and would be fantastic
My doubts now are these:
Thank you!
Greg, I just saw that you introduced SysSendEventToProfiles in version 5.0. Something like that but without needing to specify the list of users