How can I manage multiple versions of my app between development, staging, production, etc?
We are getting further on in development of our first app, and now we'd like to start better managing the configuration of our development vs. staging vs. production versions of the app.
How should we accomplish this? Are there any best practices that we should follow?
Devs normally simply create multiple apps in brainCloud and name them accordingly. i.e. "MyApp Dev", "MyApp Staging", "MyApp Prod", etc.
You can then easily push (or deploy) the configuration from app-to-app as you progress the changes through your development process.
This is easily accomplished via the "Push button Deploy" feature on the Design | Core App Info | Admin Tools page of the portal.
For more info, see this knowledge base article:
Thank-you kind stranger!
If your app uses Global Entities, don't forget to Export/Import the required entities from the Dev->Staging->Live apps. You can export all, or some via the Bulk Actions Menu within the Monitoring/Global Monitoring/ Global Entities page.
More about Global Entity File Export Formats are here,
Hope this helps!