Can I check duplicated login?
I asked before about this.
and I heard braincloud did (token check?)
so I want to make Only one device can login with same account
so I found some error code for check this
is it return when duplicate login?
thank you
Are you wanting to ensure that a user can't sign in from multiple devices EVER - or at the same time?
brainCloud already enforces a single concurrent login session for an account. But it doesn't block the 2nd login - instead it invalidates the first one. This is done intentionally - because otherwise if a user session were to crash - it might block subsequent logins from succeeding.
The setting to control how many concurrent logins are allowed in your app can be found on the Design > Core App Info > Advanced Settings > Session Behavior screen.
From what I can see in our system, INVALID_DEVICE_TOKEN indicates that the push notification token being registered against a user account is invalid (it would generally mean that it is empty string).
Hope that helps!
it invalidates the first one <<
how can i check older device is invalidates?
i want notice to device(old,first) is invalidated(when try to save or other)
thank you -
Well - there's no great way to tell until you try doing an operation.
You could try doing a simple ReadServerTime() call - and if that fails - the session isn't good anymore...
Hope that helps!