Hi folks,
As most of you probably already know, we released brainCloud 4.3 last week.
New features in this release include:
- Geo Matchmaking - automatically match users to the closest servers
- Custom Entity Migration - export/import of custom entities is built into our Deployment service
- Set-top Hand-off API - need an easy was for user to log into an set-top box of VR headset? We've got you covered
- User Service - building an app with an admin component that needs to be able to page through your users? brainCloud now supports this...
And a bunch of other community requests, including:
- User Items Screen
- Dynamic Group Leaderboards
- Autojoin across multiple group types
- Reset quests API
- Bundle Compression
- OKTA authentication support
Plus our web + ui folks freshened up the look-and-feel as bit as well!
Check out the Release Notes for all the details.
Happy Coding - and let us know what you think!
P Paul Winterhalder moved this topic from Announcements on