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    117 Topics
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    You can schedule a recurring daily cloud code script to run after the completion of your daily tournament. This script will use the GetGlobalLeaderboardPage method to retrieve the daily tournament winner's information and score, then post it to the monthly tournament using the PostTournamentScoreOnBehalfOf method.

  • Suggestions for improvements, new features, etc.

    30 Topics
    92 Posts

    Almost, but you can't define the price in virtual currency.

    The solution I came up with is to make a cloud script that purchases and then immediately sells a user item. The user item has a buyPrice and a sellPrice which effectively does the currency conversion.

  • Questions specific to particular APIs, libraries, etc.

    48 Topics
    167 Posts

    @wjurica Assuming you're using c#, consider Newtonsoft for the deserialization & mapping process. It's two lines of code to map your data to a class.


  • General cloud code discussions...

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    We agree with that @antony - we'll get that request to the devs.

  • brainCloud's online learning tutorials and examples.

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    brainCloud developers have just release several playable builds of our famous examples! See our cool features in action. Find them at https://getbraincloud.com/demos for Windows, Mac, online and mobile.

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