D'oh - it looks like there is an issue registering new Forum accounts!
We are debugging with our forums vendor to figure out what is going wrong.
Sorry for the inconvenience - we hope to get this fixed ASAP!
Okay - we figured it out.
It looks like our new Forum software has an issue with brainCloud user names that contain special characters - including the innocuous comma!
This has to do with how we're matching up the fields from brainCloud's directory and the forum account system.
We should have that sorted out in a few days.
In the meantime, a simple work around is to edit the "Full Name" field of your brainCloud profile...
So - if your name is currently set as "Smith, Jane" just set it to "Jane Smith" and you are good to go!
Apologies for the inconvenience!
Update: this has now been fixed!
Note - brainCloud will now send over the first part of your email address as the suggested username for the forums. The forums will automatically append a number if there are others with that username.
You can update/customize your username by clicking on your profile in the top-right, and choose Edit Profile.
There you will find a bunch of info you can customize about your user account.Click Change Username on that screen to change your username itself.
Hope that helps!