lobbyId ?
Please I have a small question about the lobby, I have been working to implement it in my new app, but there is a required parameter for some functions which is lobbyId, I don’t know where can I get this from? As I don’t receive this id in the response when I create a new lobby.
I searched on the portal tutorial, api ref and the forums, but didn’t find anything, so I think am lost here.
Thank you.
Doh - I didn't realize you were using that SDK - which is lagging a bit behind.
We'll get the devs on that - but we've hit the holidays here in Canada and we'll be looking at an early January release then.
(Note - that SDK is based on our C++ SDK if you want to go off-road a bit to see how to add the support for yourself. Apologies for the delay!)
Hi Kirlos,
The lobbyid is returned in the
RTT event that you receive once you've been assigned to the lobby. You can see the details of the event on this page https://getbraincloud.com/apidocs/apiref/#capi-lobbyCopy-and-paste here:
{ "service": "lobby", "operation": "MEMBER_JOIN", "data": { "lobbyId": "22819:unranked:406", "currentTime": 1549658965234, "lobby": { "state": "setup", "owner": "f6fa3e0e-6aac-497a-84e1-c8db6f545c12", "rating": 0, "lobbyTypeDef": {}, "settings": {}, "version": 1, "timetable": { "createdAt": 1549658965234, "early": 1549658965234, "onTime": 1549659055234, "tooLate": 1549659145234 }, "numMembers": 1, "members": [] }, "member": { "profileId": "f6fa3e0e-6aac-497a-84e1-c8db6f545c12", "name": "David", "pic": "", "rating": 0, "team": "player1", "isReady": true, "extra": {}, "cxId": "22819:f6fa3e0e-6aac-497a-84e1-c8db6f545c12:bvm2ga9aelaigkbdrojp3ifjrp" } } }
To receive the events, you need to register a handler:
https://getbraincloud.com/apidocs/apiref/?csharp#capi-rtt-registerrttlobbycallbackI hope that helps!
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reply.
The problem is that I am using the Objective-C SDK, and I don't have _bc.RTTService, it's also written "Coming soon!" in the API ref., so how can I register a handler in this case?Thank you!
Doh - I didn't realize you were using that SDK - which is lagging a bit behind.
We'll get the devs on that - but we've hit the holidays here in Canada and we'll be looking at an early January release then.
(Note - that SDK is based on our C++ SDK if you want to go off-road a bit to see how to add the support for yourself. Apologies for the delay!)
Oh okay, I understand.
Yeah I was already trying to use the C++ SDK, and I will also be waiting for the Obj-C one.Thank you!
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