Hi Claudiu,
It's possible to do this using cloud script... you just need to impersonate the other user...
Here's an example script that does this - caveat, it only returns the first page of user items.
Create the script, and set it's test parameters to:
"profileId": "www-xxx-yyy-zzzz-123456"
(Note - you'll of course want to replace profileId with an id of a user that you want to test with.)
And here's the code...
var response = {};
// We need to impersonate another user to make this call
var otherSession = bridge.getSessionForProfile( data.profileId );
var otherUserItemsProxy = bridge.getUserItemsServiceProxy( otherSession );
// Now, request the page of items from that proxy
var context = {
"pagination": {
"rowsPerPage": 50,
"pageNumber": 1
"searchCriteria": {},
"sortCriteria": {
"createdAt": 1
var includeDef = true;
var itemResult = otherUserItemsProxy.getUserItemsPage( context, includeDef );
if (( itemResult.status == 200) && ( itemResult.data.results.count > 0 )) {
response.items = itemResult.data.results.items;
} else {
response.items = [];
For convenience I've attached an export of the script. You can import this script into your app from the Design | Cloud Code | Scripts screen.
Hope that helps!