• 0 Votes
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    Thanks for the suggestion. We're actually working on more country support right now - so adding segment criteria for it makes total sense.

    As for the "OR" and "AND" support - the system currently supports "AND" ...
    ... but yeah, adding "OR" will be a bigger deal.

    I'll run it by the devs and add it to the roadmap with your +1 though...


  • New Pricing based Studio

    Feature Suggestions
    0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hi Lee,

    brainCloud's pricing models are designed to accommodate changes in usage over time.

    Apps using Enterprise features in the Business/Business + plans are still allowed to access those features if they later downgrade to Standard or Lite plans. Note that the app will no longer be covered by the Business / Business Plus plan SLA though.

    I hope that helps!


  • 1 Votes
    9 Posts

    @Brad-Hester That bug has been fixes (and patched). Thanks for reporting it!

  • Filter online players in Matchmaking

    Solved Cloud Code
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    8 Posts

    Ciao @Paul-Winterhalder ,

    yes there is not much else to add, except perhaps the fact that the CompleteMatch is sent at the end of the game. Instead, AbandonMatch is sent if one of the players abandons the game prematurely.

    Thanks for the support! 🙂

  • Cloud Code not loading in Console

    Solved General
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    In case anyone else had a similar issue...

    There was a Cloudflare-related cert issue associated with a site called cdn.jsdelivr.net.

    As I understand it, the Monaco editor that Portal-X uses for editing source and JSON files (and many other common web-based components) makes use of that site.

    More details on the issue here: https://github.com/jsdelivr/jsdelivr/issues/18565

    The issue was temporary - and seems like it only affected only certain localized regions... (just a guess on my part there).

    Anyway - all good now - and nothing directly related to brainCloud.


  • [Unity] In App Purchases

    Solved APIs
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    2 Posts

    brainCloud supports a wide range of popular in-app purchases, including Google Play, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Steam, etc.. In most cases, the purchase process is initiated through the corresponding IAP plugin that you need to download into your Unity project. Then, verify the receipt received from the purchase outcome with brainCloud by calling VerifyPurchase API. It should be noted that the necessary configuration for the IAP store must be set up in the brainCloud portal for your app, including the products section and platforms section. Some store integration examples are available on our documentation website -- https://docs.braincloudservers.com/learn/portal-tutorials/store-integration-google/
    Hope this helps!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    Diving into our new game and found a work-around ~ use private viewing. I have our reference game open in a private window, and the new project in the main one.

  • Memcache in Braincloud

    Unsolved General
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    2 Posts

    Hi Nguyen,

    brainCloud makes use of both Memcached and Redis as part of it's architecture - but we do not directly expose these in our APIs.

    What was your use case?


  • Reconnect to room on a Relay Server

    Unsolved General
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    30 Posts

    Ciao @Greg-Moulds,
    you rock boy! 🙂
    I tried reducing the "early" launch setting as you suggested and in fact now the waiting time is very short. That was exactly the problem.


  • Huge Demo Release!

    Videos and Tutorials
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    Thank you both for the helpful replies. I am educating myself further and exploring options. Depending on what I decide to pursue as the final option, I may be back 🙂

  • Tournament Rank Rule

    Solved General
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    3 Posts

    Hi Paul,

    Yes this answers my question. I guess since the percentage is based on the number of players, I could query the number by checking how many entries there are in a given division leaderboard?

    In any case I'll stick to absolute ranks for now as you suggest. I was looking into percentages to future-proof our client API.

    Thank you for the quick help!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    All very good points @Panagiotis-Milios !

  • 1 Votes
    4 Posts

    Hi Panagiotis,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    That vertical icon bar on the far left is new in 5.2. It was key to allowing us to free up more space - moving the Debug + Log screens to their own pane. (i.e. now the screen is only ever split vertically in 2 - instead of sometimes split into 4 pains - 2 verticle and 2 horizontal).

    The font scale and tab size options were there before too - but are somewhat more discoverable now that we have that cog wheel.

    Glad you like the changes!

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    There is a global list of reason codes here - https://docs.braincloudservers.com/api/appendix/reasonCodes

  • Unreal 5.1 + Online Services

    0 Votes
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    We should point out that this doesn't mean that there aren't Unreal multiplayer examples in brainCloud - they just don't use the online subsystem paradigm per se.

    Here's our latest Unreal dedicated server example: https://github.com/getbraincloud/braincloud-roomserver-unreal

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hi Kuabs, you can use brainCloud webhooks to achieve this feature, the steps are as follows.

    Create a cloud code script, in this example use the name "webhook_forgotPassword", and paste the following code into the script. "use strict"; function main() { var response = {}; bridge.logDebugJson("Script inputs", data); var userEmail = data.parameters.email; response.stringResponse = "webhook is processing user email reseting..." + data.parameters.email; // validating the user email if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(userEmail)) { // checking if the email is existed in brainCloud users var context = { "pagination": { "rowsPerPage": 20, "pageNumber": 1 }, "searchCriteria": { "emailAddress": userEmail }, "sortCriteria": { "playerName": 1 } }; var userProxy = bridge.getUserServiceProxy(); var postResult = userProxy.sysGetPage(context); if (postResult.data.results.count > 0) { var userProfileID = postResult.data.results.items[0].profileId; // sending password reset email postResult = userProxy.sysSendPasswordResetEmail(userProfileID); if (postResult.status == 200) { response.stringResponse = "password reset email has been sent to user's email:" + userEmail; } else { response.stringResponse = "system error with sending email..."; } } else { response.stringResponse = "user doesn't exist with the email you provided"; } } else { response.stringResponse = "user's email is invalid."; } return response; } main();

    Open Design | Cloud Code | WebHooks page, and create a WebHook link to the script you created from the previous step. Copy down the WebHook URL for the next step.73ee4986-3d38-4694-bac5-d7c4896c99ba-image.png

    Now, you have completed the work from brainCloud. Next, open your client app editor (if you are using Unity), define the WebHook URL as a variable, and link it to your forgotEmail object (could be a link or button in your app) onClick event, making it trigger this URL when the user clicks with Application.OpenURL command. Grab user inputted email and append it as an email parameter to the URL as follows:

    const string passwordResetWebhookUrl = "https://portal.braincloudservers.com/webhook/12832/forgotPassword/6dc675bb-f8b4-495f-ac5e-1f0658bfe09c"; Application.OpenURL(passwordResetWebhookUrl + "?email=" + userEmail);

    Run your app to test, you should get a similar pop-up window as follows once a user clicks the forgotEmail object,

    Check the reset email in your test email account...25a6f240-5246-4ba2-a216-e978eaccee8c-image.png

  • UE 5.3

    Unsolved General
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    Hi @shawnryanbruno

    Thanks for pointing out that issue in our readme, you're right there is no BCClient folder, this will be corrected. The readme is referring to the folder contained in the latest .zip release file, current latest release is 5.1.0

    We have a couple example projects that use Unreal 5.3 and the brainCloud client compiles with no issues there. I will need some more information to better assist with the issue you're having.

    Did you get the brainCloud library from the release .zip file or did you download a copy of the repository?

    Can you guide me through the steps you took to get to this issue?

  • 0 Votes
    4 Posts

    @Paul-Winterhalder Amazing! This is perfect for my needs-- thanks so much Paul.

  • 0 Votes
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    A good way to handle failure besides retrying in code, is to schedule another script to run 1 minute later that will basically repeat the same action.